Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge :Two Months Later

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge : Two Months Later Our review of the Galaxy S7 Edge has been up for a little while now, and having used the device for a solid month at this point, I feel as if I should share my final take on the device before I get something else in my hands. Unsurprisingly to many, I’m sure, the Galaxy S7 Edge is still my vote for the top device released so far in 2016. It’s pretty early in the year after all, but from what I have seen thus far, I don’t think the LG G5 or HTC 10 have what it takes to overcome everything the Galaxy S7 Edge offers. Over the course of this month, I have been very happy with the phone’s overall performance, and thanks to an update that recently came from T-Mobile and Samsung (I have an unbranded T-Mobile variant), my battery life has even gotten better from what I experienced during my review period. While I was usually hitting the hay with about 10-15% of juice left at the end of each day, I am easily seeing 30-35...